
Bategetswe gutaburura umurambo kubera amakosa yakozwe ashyingurwa

Urukiko rwasabye kandi rutegeka abashyinguye umugore mu ntangiriro z’uyu maka ko atabururwa kubera amakosa yakozwe bashyingura uwo mugore kuko yahambwe ari muzima.

Byamenyekanye ko umugore uturuka Akwafu muri Ghana, yashyinguwe kubwo amakosa kubera ko atigeze ahambwa yarapfuye ahubwo bamuhabye bamwitiranyije n’abandi kandi we ari umurwayi.

Urukiko nyuma yo kubategeka kumutaburura, byitezwe ko bagomba kuzahabwa ibihano bikakaye kugira ngo abakoze ayo makosa bakurikiranwe.

Written by Geovanis

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Umwarimukazi yakoze agashya imbere b’abanyeshuri ubwo yigishaga ubuzima bw’imyororokere