
“Ku mazina ye mwongereho Mukundabantu” Element yahuje urugwiro n’abana bo mu ntara biratinda(AMAFOTO)

“Ku mazina ye mwongereho Mukundabantu” Element yahuje urugwiro n’abana bo mu ntara biratinda(AMAFOTO)

ELEMENT ubarizwa muri 1:55am yagaragaye mu mafoto yahuje urugwiro n’abana no ku kibuye aho yari yagiye.

Written by Moïse Habanabashaka

I am responsible for this article, not the YEGOB website. Please contact me if you need more information about it : +250734523889 or +250789079952

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“Kuririmba birekere ba Bruce rwose” KNC yaririmbye hafi kubura umwuka bamwibutsa ko hari ababishoboye agomba kubirekera(Amashusho)

Kanye west ibye byajemo kidobya kubera imyitwarire itari myiza