
Bruce Melodie avuze ku mpanuka ya Brabus yabaye mu rukerera

Bruce Melodie avuze ku mpanuka ya Brabus yabaye mu rukerera.

Ku mbuga nkoranyambaga zigiye zitandukanye hiriwe amakuru avuga ko Bruce Melodie yakoze impanuka.

Ayo makuru yavugaga ko Melodie yakoze impanuka akagonga imikindo n’amapoto y’amashanyarazi.

Mu kiganiro na MIE, Bruce Melodie ahakanye ayo makuru aho yemeje ko we n’imodoka ye bameze neza.

Melodie akomeza avuga ko uwakoze impanuka ari umurinzi we wari utwaye imodoka isa n’iye.

Written by Charry

Niba ufite inkuru cyangwa ukaba uri umuhanzi ndetse nawe ushaka kwamamaza twandikire. I am responsible for this article, not the YEGOB website. Please contact me if you need more information about it.

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